I was feeling generally down and then it suddenly felt as if I spiralled out of control, having obsessive unwanted intrusions of a sexual nature. This caused me severe distress and sent me into a highly anxious and depressed state. I genuinely thought things would never get better and was contemplating taking my life.
I came to see Sarah for 9 sessions of CBT earlier this year. With her help, I was able to gain a greater understanding of myself. She taught how to control my thought processes and helped me make some lifestyle changes, which have contributed hugely to the improvement of my mental well-being.
I have since had a follow up session 5 months after I finished the CBT treatment and have grown in leaps and bounds. If you are reading this and are suffering with similar mental health challenges, I would like you to know that CBT really did help me.
(Male, aged 21, December 2019)